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We Ride Futures.

The Futures team is made up of surfers who choose to ride Futures because they trust in the performance of our system and fin technologies. Their individual choice has led to organic growth over the years, resulting in what is an undeniably prominent and incredibly versatile gathering of rippers. From the CT, to Free Surfers and Big Wave Hellman, we couldn’t be more proud to call them our team.

John John Rides Futures
Ethan Ewing Rides Futures
Jack Robinson Rides Futures
Griffin Colapinto Rides Futures
Jordy Smith Rides Futures
Callum Robson Rides Futures
Hughie Vaughan Rides Futures
Brisa Hennessy Rides Futures
Macy Callaghan Rides Futures
Billy Kemper Rides Futures
Russell Bierke Rides Futures
Craig Anderson Rides Futures
Dave Rastovich Rides Futures
Conner Coffin Rides Futures
Parker Coffin Rides Futures
Dakoda Walters Rides Futures
Luke Swanson Rides Futures
Jett Schilling Rides Futures

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