Ethan Ewing
Ethan Ewing from North Stradbroke Island, Australia, crept into the limelight like a silent assassin.
At just 18 years old, the surf media pundits never got the chance to introduce him to the fans. He made quick work of his early pro career, dominating his last hoorah on the Australasia Junior Series and having already taken the Qualifying Series to task in successive blows. The combination of blistering results took the surf world by storm. Yet Ethan stood steadfastly in the middle, unaffected by his accomplishments. Finishing second after one year on the QS, it appears Ethan didn’t need an introduction.

Ewing has a winning combination of smooth, powerful and mistake free rail surfing steeped in influence from surfing’s most renowned style masters. A savvy competitor at a relatively young age, Ethan’s impact on tour will be immediate. As his generation’s heroes say farewell to competition, this new ear is destined to take the helm. Ethan’s early prowess bid him rights to the throne of Australia’s surfing royalty, but he knows it’s a position earned not assumed. Rest assured he’s committed to the task and maturing at a rate that professional surfing hasn’t seen in decades.

Ethan's Quiver
Height: 5'11" Weight: 175 lbs Stance: Regular